New Spring Line Deployment Feature

Thanks to Iain’s suggestion, we have updated the spring lines, so that it is now a two-step process. To deploy a spring line, first click on a bumper/fender, and then click on the cleat. To remove a spring line, just click on the bumper/fender. TheBoatDocker Group

Moving Boats

Hello Boaters, Thanks to Alexander’s suggestion, we just added a “Moving Boat” to the menu. In this scenario, a moving boat moves from right to left and the pilot of this boat doesn’t stop for anyone or anything! Enjoy

A New Look

Hello Boaters, TheBoatDocker has a new look. Please let us know if you like it. TheBoatDocker Group p.s.  There are many changes to many pages so if it does not work at first, refresh your browser in two different places: First refresh it at the opening menu page and then refresh it again at the […]

Man Overboard

Hello Boaters, To all who use the man overboard dock configuration for training, it has been modified so that the “man overboard” is now on the move. Click anywhere on the screen and the man will slowly move toward that click. As always, please let us know if this works for you! TheBoatDocker Team

A New Release

We have just released a new version of the BoatDocker. Many of the changes are behind the scenes and we believe there are several subtle performance improvements. As always, please let us know how it works for you. TheBoatDocker Team

Different Boat Sizes

Thanks to your suggestions, we have modified the tonnage selection so that heavier boats are now longer and wider. Let us know what you think.

Two New Dock Configurations

Hello Boaters, Thanks to J.T.’s comments, we have added a new dock configuration including Mooring Buoys. In addition, we have made some extensive “behind the scenes” changes. So, please, refresh your browser in the menu page, and again at the simulator page, and then test it out for us and send your comments to Thanks to Captain […]

Updated Large Center Controls

Hello Boaters, The Large Center Controls are now enabled from the startup menu and not by clicking in the water. This enables the user in the Man Overboard scenario to click on the new location of the MOB. Enjoy!

New Dock Configuration

Hello Boaters, As you might have noticed, we have slightly modified the old dock configuration. More importantly, we have redesigned the system to rapidly add new dock configurations, which can then be selected from a startup menu. So, we need your help! Send your dock configuration sketches to and we will try to implement […]